
The moments of life we cherish and remember forever? When time stops.

We get drawn out of our skull into what's around us, the distractions normally running through our head are gone, and we are purely present. It's akin to "the pocket" musicians speak of and the indescribable feeling of playing in it. 

There in some corner of space and time, we're something like truly happy. We feel wholesome, fulfilled, invincible

Unfortunately, most of life today is arguably one big distraction from all that.

modern.peasant is created for one purpose: to draw in to those moments, not distract.

They don't exist here..or anywhere on a screen.

What you'll find here simply points to them, and begs you to draw into your own.


Samuel James

modern.peasant is Sam's brainchild.  A creative person living and working at a wolf sanctuary called Mission: Wolf in remote Colorado, he has been reading, writing, and taking photos since a couple trips to Europe toward the end of 2015.  He is a self-described autodidact obsessed about teaching & learning with too many hobbies to keep up with.

Find his photography portfolio at: samuel3james.art



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